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among, between, amid, amongst
among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。
between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。
among ?
〔误〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?
〔正〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?
〔析〕 among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。?
1)between一般指“两者之间”,而among用于三个或三个以上的人或物之中,或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在……中间”。例如:①Between the door and the windows there is a map.门和窗户的中间有一张地图。
②Whats the difference between the two words?
③The young people lived and worked among the workers.那些年青人生活、工作在工人之中。
④They divided the money among(或 between) themselves.他们自己把钱分了。(注:用among,they至少是三个人;用between, they是两个人。)
【注意】我们可以说between you and me,但不能说 between you and I,因为between是介词。
2)between还可以用来指三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之间。三个或三个以上的名词用and连接,前面用between,而不用among。例如:①Near the cemetery, between the trees, there is something shining, perhaps bayonets. 在墓地附近,树丛中间,有什么东西闪闪发亮,可能是刺刀。②There does not seem much difference between the three of them.
③Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy.瑞士位于法、德、奥、意之间。
3)among可用来表示一个比较的范围,=one of,常与最高级连用。例如:①Yokohama is among(= one of) the largest seaports in the Far East.横滨为远东最大港口之一。

Q2:among和between的区别和用法 还有例句

among在……当中(多数的群体当中)The teacher is among the students
between在……之间(两者之间)B is between A and C


between的宾语通常是两个。among的宾语通常是3个或3个以上。但如果 between的宾语是3个或3个以上时,这些人或事情一般都是具体的,表示句子的主语与他们各自之间的关系,而且一般有and, 但among只表示笼统在他们之中。如:The town lies among the mountains. Switzeland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy.


among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。
between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。
among ?
〔误〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?
〔正〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?
〔析〕 among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。

Q5:among 与between的区别

翻译应该是 她喜欢住在工作人员中 而不是强调中间,不是强调量度
石头中间还有空间 (你要看空间肯定是把石头当作1个个独立存在的实体,分别看他们中间的空间)
Among is used of people or things considered as a group *among用於指作为一整体的人或事物: Share out the books among the class. 把书分发给全班. * They talked among themselves while they waited. 他们一边等着一边互相谈话. * standing among the crowd at the football match 在人群中站着看足球比赛.
2 Between is used of people or things, either two in number or more than two considered individually *between用於指两个或两个以上各自独立的人或事物: one book between two (pupils) 两个人(小学生)一本书 * She divided her possessions equally between her four children. 她把自己的财物平均分给了她的四个孩子. * They hung flags across the street between the houses. 他们把旗子横跨街道悬挂在两边房子中间. * Theres a lot of disagreement between the two main political parties on this issue. 对这一问题, 两大政党间有很大分歧. (Compare 试比较: Theres a lot of disagreement among politicians on this issue. 对这一问题, 政治家们有很大分歧.)


1. between 表示某人(物)在两个或者两个以上的为数不多的单独的人或物之间;among表示某人(物)在一群人/一组人/一堆人或物中间,通常是三者以上,是不被单独看待的。如:
She was standing between Alice and Mary.我站在Alice和Mary中间。
She was standing among a crowd of children.她站在一群小孩中间。
Our house is between the wood,the river and the viliage.我们的房子在树木,河流和小镇中间。
His house is hidden among the trees.他的房子隐藏在树林中间。
2. between也可以用在三者以上的事物中间,表示一物和数物之间的关系,如:
a little valley between high mountains.小村庄在大山中间。
I saw something between the wheels of the car.我看到某物在车轮中间。
3. divide……between,share ……between(在……之间分享) 可以用在单数名词前,当在复数名词前使用时,between/among都可以使用,如:
He divided his money between his wife,his daughter and his sister.他把钱分给了妻子,女儿和妹妹。
I shared the food between/among all my friends.我把食物跟我所有的朋友分享了。

Q7:between 和 among的区别?

among, between, amid, amongst
among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。
between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。
among ?
〔误〕 If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?
〔正〕 If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?
〔析〕 among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。?wWw.BaZHiSH;I.CoM

