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niagara falls在哪个国家

niagara falls在哪个国家 Nia gar a Falls位于加(jiā)拿(ná)大和美国的边境上,跨越了安大略省和纽约州。 niagara falls在哪个国家英语提问 In which country is Nia ga

niagara falls在哪个国家

Nia gar a Falls位于加(jiā)拿(ná)大和美国的边境上,跨越了安大略省和纽约州。

niagara falls在哪个国家英语提问

In which country is Nia gar a Falls l ocated?

niagara falls在哪个国家英语

Nia gar a Falls is in which country in English?

Answer: Nia gar a Falls is in Canada and the United States.

niagara falls属于哪个国家

Nia gar a Falls位于加(jiā)拿(ná)大和美国的边境,因此属于这两个国家。

Niagara Falls是什么意思

Nia gar a Falls是指尼亚加拉瀑布,是位于加(jiā)拿(ná)大安大略省和美国纽约州交界处的一组著名瀑布,被誉为世界七大自然奇观之一。

The Niagara Falls

The Nia gar a Falls are a gr oup of three waterfalls l ocated on the Nia gar a River, which fl ows b e tween the United States and Canada. They are a po pular tourist attr action and are known for their b eauty and power. The three falls are named Horseshoe Falls, American Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls.

Niagara Falls在哪个国家

Nia gar a Falls位于加(jiā)拿(ná)大和美国的边境,分别位于安大略省的尼亚加拉瀑布城和纽约州的尼亚加拉瀑布市。

Niagara Falls 翻译



l o ndon Bridge is a historic bridge in centr al l o ndon that spans the River Thames. It has b een rebuilt sever al ti mes thr oughout history, with the current bridge b eing completed in 1973. It is a po pular tourist attr action and an i mportant tr ansportation hub for l o ndon.

Niagara Falls怎么读

Nia gar a Falls的发音为:nai-æg-rə fɔlz。

Niagara Falls State Park

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Niagara Falls英语怎么读

nai-æɡərə fɔːlz

