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科比说过的名言 以下是科比说过的一些名言:1. \"我不是说你必须要喜欢我,但是你必须要承认我是最好的。\" 2. \"你必须要有信念,而且你必须要坚定不移地去追求你的梦想。\" 3. \"我不是试图去证明我比谁都厉害,我只是想证明我比



1. \"我不是说你必须要喜欢我,但是你必须要承认我是最好的。\"
2. \"你必须要有信念,而且你必须要坚定不移地去追求你的梦想。\"
3. \"我不是试图去证明我比谁都厉害,我只是想证明我比昨天的自己更好。\"
4. \"如果你想成为一个优秀的篮球运动员,你必须要付出比其他人更多的努力和时间。\"
5. \"在比赛中,我不是在追求胜利,而是在追求极致的表现和完美的技艺。\"
6. \"当你面对挑战和困难时,不要害怕失败,因为失败是成功之母。\"
7. \"我永远不会停止学习和进步,因为我相信自己的潜力是无限的。\"
8. \"我不是在追求荣誉和名声,而是在追求自己内心的满(mǎn)足(zú)和成就感。\"
9. \"在训练和比赛中,你必须要有耐心和毅力,因为成功需要时间和坚持。\"
1 0. \"在篮球场上,每一个细节都决定着胜负的输赢,所以你必须要做好每一个细节的准备。\"



1. \"I hA V e self-doubt. I hA V e insecurity. I hA V e fear of failure... We all hA V e self-doubt. y ou don't deny it, but y ou also don't ca pitulate to it. y ou embr ace it.\" - 我有自我怀疑,我有不安全感,我害怕失败...我们都有自我怀疑。你不能否认它,但你也不能屈服于它。你要拥(yōng)抱(bào)它。

2. \"I can't relate to lazy peo ple. We don't speak the same langua ge. I don't understand y ou. I don't want to understand y ou.\" - 我无法与懒惰的人相处。我们不说同一种语言。我不理解你。我也不想理解你。

3. \"The moment y ou give up is the moment y ou let someone else win.\" - 当你放弃的那一刻,就是你让别人赢的那一刻。

4. \"I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose.\" - 我只是在反思如何向前走。我反思是有目的的。

5. \"I don't want to b e the next Michael Jordan, I only want to b e k ob e Bryant.\" - 我不想成为下一个迈克尔·乔丹,我只想成为科比·布莱恩特。

6. \"I don't want to b e the next any one. I want to b e the first k ob e Bryant.\" - 我不想成为下一个任何人,我想成为第一个科比·布莱恩特。

7. \"Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an o p portunity for me to rise.\" - 所有负面的事情——压力、挑战——都是让我崛起的机会。

8. \"I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a b ench wA V ing a towel, handing a cup of water to a teamm ate, or hitting the game-winning shot.\" - 我会尽一切努力赢得比赛,无论是坐在板凳上挥舞毛巾,给队友递一杯水,还是投中比赛的制胜球。

9. \"I'm not the most talented. I'm not the tallest. I'm not the str ongest. But I will outwork y ou.\" - 我不是最有天赋的,我不是最高的,我不是最强(qiáng)壮(zhuàng)的。但我会比你更努力。

1 0. \"Great things come fr om hard work and persever ance. No excuses.\" - 伟大的事情源自于努力和坚持不懈。没有借口。



1. \"The most i mportant thing is to try and inspire peo ple so that they can b e great in whatever they want to do.\"

2. \"I can't relate to lazy peo ple. We don't speak the same langua ge. I don't understand y ou. I don't want to understand y ou.\"

3. \"I hA V e nothing in common with lazy peo ple who blame others for their lack of success. Great things come fr om hard work and persever ance. No excuses.\"

4. \"I'm chasing perfection.\"

5. \"I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose.\"

6. \"I'm not the most patient of peo ple.\"

7. \"I don't want to b e the next Michael Jordan, I only want to b e k ob e Bryant.\"

8. \"I don't want to b e the next any one. I want to b e the first k ob e Bryant.\"

9. \"I don't want to b e the next Michael Jordan, I only want to b e k ob e Bryant.\"

1 0. \"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. No m atter what the inj ury - unless it's completely debilitating - I'm going to b e the same player I've always b een. I'll figure it out. I'll m ake some tweaks, some changes, but I'm still coming.\"


1. \"Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an o p portunity for me to rise.\"

