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negotiate用法 Negotiate是一个动词,表示协商、谈判、达成协议等。常用于商业谈判、政治谈判、劳资谈判等场合。例如:- We need to negotiate a better price for this produc


Negotiate是一个动词,表示协商、谈判、达成协议等。常用于商业谈判、政治谈判、劳资谈判等场合。例如:- We need to negotiate a better price for this product.我们需要为这个产品协商一个更好的价格。- The two countries are negotiating a trade agreement.这两个国家正在谈判一项贸易协议。- The union is negotiating with the company for better working conditions.工会正在与公司谈判,争取更好的工作条件。


Participate是一个动词,意思是参加、参与。例如:- I will participate in the charity walk next weekend.- The company encourages all employees to participate in the team building activities.- She was hesitant to participate in the debate, but eventually decided to give it a try.


Appreciate可以用作动词,表示“感激,欣赏,赞赏”。例如:- I really appreciate your help.(我非常感激你的帮助。)- I appreciate your hard work on this project.(我欣赏你在这个项目上的努力。)- She appreciated the beauty of the sunset.(她欣赏日落的美景。)Appreciate也可以用作名词,表示“欣赏,感激”。例如:- Your appreciation of my work means a lot to me.(你对我的工作的欣赏对我来说意义重大。)- I would like to express my appreciation for your support.(我想表达对你的支持的感激之情。)


1. Negotiate作为动词,表示“谈判、协商、商议”,常用于以下几种情况:- 在商业或政治方面,双方或多方之间就某些问题进行谈判、协商或达成协议。例如:They are negotiating a new trade agreement. (他们正在谈判一项新的贸易协议。)- 在个人生活中,谈判也可以发生在夫妻、朋友、同事等之间,目的是解决问题或达成共识。例如:We need to negotiate the terms of our divorce settlement. (我们需要协商我们离婚协议的条款。)- 在艺术领域,如音乐、戏剧等方面,指导演员、音乐家等与制作人或导演协商,以达到最终的艺术效果。例如:The director is negotiating the details of the play with the actors. (导演正在与演员商谈剧本的细节。)2. Negotiate也可以用作名词,表示“谈判、协商”,例如:The negotiation lasted for several hours. (谈判持续了几个小时。)3. negotiate with\/in\/over\/about等介词搭配常用于表示参与谈判的对象或谈判的主题。例如:- negotiate with:与某人\/某组织进行谈判。例如:The company is negotiating with the union over pay and working conditions. (公司正在与工会就工资和工作条件进行谈判。)- negotiate in:在某个地方或场合进行谈判。例如:The two leaders will negotiate in Geneva next week. (两位领导人将于下周在日内瓦进行谈判。)- negotiate over:就某个问题或事项进行谈判。例如:The two sides are negotiating over the price of the house. (双方正在就房屋的价格进行谈判。)- negotiate about:关于某个问题或事项进行谈判。例如:We need to negotiate about the terms of the contract. (我们需要就合同条款进行谈判。)4. negotiate还有其他相关的词汇和短语,包括:- negotiator:谈判代表,指参与谈判的人员。例如:The negotiators from both sides have reached a compromise. (双方的谈判代表已经达成了妥协。)- negotiation skills:谈判技巧,指在谈判过程中所需要的技巧和策略。例如:Good negotiation skills can help you get what you want. (良好的谈判技巧可以帮助你得到你想要的东西。)- negotiation table:谈判桌,指进行谈判的地方或场所。例如:The two sides are sitting at the negotiation table. (双方正在谈判桌前坐着。)- negotiate a deal:达成协议,指在谈判过程中成功地达成一项协议。例如:After several rounds of negotiation, they finally negotiated a deal. (经过几轮谈判,他们终于达成了协议。)


可以有多种用法,以下是一些常见的:1. 作为动词,表示“投递、送达、交付”,如:The package was delivered to my doorstep this morning.(这个包裹今天早上被送到了我的门口。)2. 作为名词,表示“交付、递送、投递”,如:The delivery of the package was delayed due to bad weather.(由于天气不好,这个包裹的递送被延误了。)3. 作为形容词,表示“快递的、递送的、投递的”,如:I received a delivery notice from the post office.(我从邮局收到了一张快递通知单。)4. 作为短语,deliver on something,表示“履行、兑现(承诺、诺言等)”,如:We promised to deliver on our commitment to reduce carbon emissions.(我们承诺要履行减少碳排放的承诺。)

